*We are a people who seek Community, Purpose, Hope, and Faith
*We are a people who seek a relationship with God, empowered by the Holy Spirit, through Jesus Christ.
*We are a people who believe that God seeks us, is revealed to us, and comes to us through Jesus in Word and in Sacrament.
*We are a people who welcome and affirm all persons as family in the body of Christ.
*We are a people who work for justice and advocate for the poor, the hungry, the downtrodden, and the marginalized.
*We are a people who see the Person of Christ in all people, as He invites us to embrace and to serve one another.
*We are a people who invite you to worship God with us and work in God's Kingdom.
The St. Luke's Congregation is loving, affirming, inviting, and fun-loving. We enjoy a fellowship that is of all ages, ethnically diverse, and inclusive of all types of faith expression that is Christ-centered.
Our gatherings at coffee hour, potluck dinners, service projects, and outreach opportunities bring great joy. We are a growing congregation and we are intentional in opening the doors of our church and the doors of our hearts.
We share our beautiful worship space with Love Sharing Disciple Church, a Korean and English-speaking Christian congregation who worship on Sunday afternoons in our sanctuary.
The independent pre-school Kids Academy is delighted to share space with St. Luke's Church. Kids Academy is an organization that serves the needs of children in the surrounding neighborhood and in the extended community, many of whom are reliant on additional state and federal funding.
(847) 966-9233
Sunday Worship
Sunday School
10:00 A.M.
10:30 A.M.
Bible Study
Online on Facebook Live
7:30 PM